Travel medicine in the news
Friday 3rd November 2023
Dengue in the Americas- countries reporting higher than usual levels of dengue.
West Nile Virus infections in Europe- to date a total of 564 cases across countries mainly in southern, eastern Europe with over 50 deaths. This virus is transmitted by Aedes species and thought to be progressing north following patterns of change in climate warming. New reports indicate authochronus cases.
Diphtheria outbreaks in Nigeria- The worst diphtheria outbreak in Nigeria continues, cantered around the northern city of Kano. The infection has spread to half of the countries states and has killed 800 and 700 cases being diagnosed a week at the 2 diphtheria centres. The health authorities are considering this is due to 19 month missed routine immunisation period and a cultural mis-understanding of the importance of vaccination.
Tick Borne Encephalitis advice upgraded- with the changes in climate and increased global warning so the geographical areas of infections change. This latest report highlights the new extended areas including the UK.
Monday 11th September 2023
Dengue increases - how large are these and where?- this report looks at the increasing temperatures and the length of the season that allows the geographical expansion of the disease.
Dengue in Bangladesh- all 64 districts now affected- and
Cholera continues in eastern Africa- both Uganda and Kenya continue to report outbreaks of cholera. Kenya’s capital city Nairobi has confirmed outbreaks in children under 10 years. The current outbreak has more than 12000 cases.
Climate control- West Nile virus outbreaks- with the known increase in global warning so the comes the spread of mosquitoes and the diseases they vector. West Nile virus has entered Europe and the ECDC monitor the spread. 89 cases have now been reported mainly across southern Europe and further numbers in birds.
HepA- updated countries- NaTHNaC and UKHSA have updated HepA advice for the cfollowing countries, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Ascension Island, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, Estonia, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Panama, Pitcairn Islands, South Korea, St Helena, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tristan de Cunha and Uzbekistan.
Friday 18th August 2023
Dengue increases- how large are these and where?-this report looks at the increasing temperatures and the length of the season that allows the geographical expansion of the disease .
Dengue in Bangladesh- all 64 districts now affected- and
Cholera continues in eastern Africa- both Uganda and Kenya continue to report outbreaks of cholera. Kenya’s capital city Nairobi has confirmed outbreaks in children under 10 years. The current outbreak has more than 12000 cases.
Climate control- West Nile virus outbreaks- with the known increase in global warning so the comes the spread of mosquitoes and the diseases they vector. West Nile virus has entered Europe and the ECDC monitor the spread. 89 cases have now been reported mainly across southern Europe and further numbers in birds.
28th July 2023
Leishmaniasis in Colombia- a large outbreak of leishmaniasis in regions within Colombia has placed the country at a high incidence of 18.88 cases per 100,000 population.
Leishmaniasis in Mexico- 91 % of all cases in the Yucatan area a popular destination for tourists-
Dengue- continuing the increasing numbers of global infection rate, 170 deaths in Bangladesh and aspirin and ibuprofen requested not to be sold for symptoms in Hindustan. An outbreak in Egypt is causing concern in Israel who have identified the presence of the vector mosquito. ( ). WHO report for South America, showing highest number of case in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. This is due to the wide distribution of Aedes species, particularly A.aegypti and all 4 serotypes found to be present. ( ) ( )
Friday 9th June 2023
Indonesia- 31000 reported rabies bites this year- 11 deaths- the country is reporting that only 20000+ received treatment as they were unaware of the need for immediate attention at a clinic.
Dengue monthly update- Thailand reporting 16000 cases and 11 deaths year to date. Brazil concerned over rises in serotype 3 may lead to new outbreak. Sri Lanka outbreak reaches 40000 cases. Bangladesh reports 1000 cases in May. Peru reporting an average of 4000 cases per week.
Cholera monthly update- South Africa reporting 23 deaths in Guateng and a further 7 in Free State. WHO report 1.1bn at risk in SE Africa.
Cholera vaccine- Gavi the WHO distributer for oral cholera vaccine reports that due to the 2021 and 2022 outbreaks where 48 million doses were used, supply is likely to be limited until 2025.
Wednesday 17th May 2023
Most Children recover from Lyme disease within 6 months- this is independent of their clinical presentation
Dengue reports- Sri Lanka reports more than 33000 cases through mid-May. Brazil, Sao Paulo reports 200,000 probable cases in April; Colombia 30000 case in first 4 months of the year. Outbreak in NE Ethiopia of 1000 cases in April.
Cholera outbreak- 800 cases in Zimbabwe in last 3 months; International Red Cross and Red Crescent launch emergency appeal for Malawi;
Friday 31st March 2023
Chikungunya cases increase in South America-
Brazil- 97% increase this year compared to 2022,
Paraguay- 11,500 cases this year, low population immunity,
Medical Tourism- warning about cases of botulism from certain procedures in Turkey.
Rabies death 18 months appear being bitten- rabies treatment is well documented with the disease progression is variable and can be as up to several months post-exposure. This case highlights the extreme post-exposure period and the need to seek treatment after being bitten by a domestic animal.
WHO report regional growth of dengue and chikungunya cases – Geographical expansion beyond historical areas-
Friday 17th March 2023
Dengue in the Americas- The CDC study of central and south American indicates higher than expected levels of dengue.
Dengue and climatic change- impact in India- The Lancet reports the risk of the twin pandemic with covid-19 and dengue.
Dengue in Philippines- elevated levels over entire country at the rate of twice 2022.
Dengue reported from Ibiza- German travellers returning home with dengue from visiting the island.
Dengue in Bolivia- concern arising as hospitals are overwhelmed-
Dengue in Costa Rica- Weekly increases of over 40% compared to 2022-
Rabies deaths in Philippines- in the first 2 months of 2023, 55 deaths from rabies have been reported in Philippines.
3rd March 2023
Epidemiological update on arboviruses in 2022- Increasing problems with Nicaragua and Peru reporting as top for dengue outbreaks, Brazil topping highest reported cases in all 3 viruses and urban infections detected in Argentina.
Cholera in Africa- a third of 2022 total in a month- Africa is witnessing a severe increase of cholera with a third of 2022 cases reported in the first month-
Cholera now a world threat- ECDC
Polio- public health emergency of International Concern- Countries are still listed as having problems with wild polio virus and also vaccine derived polio virus. The up to date list of those countries under special restrictions can be found at
Why mosquitoes choose some humans more than others- A study of the reasons and the receptor sites has been provided to explain why some humans are more susceptible to bites than others. This focusses on the differing levels of sensors in the mosquito antennae.
The new flu season vaccine composition- WHO have just released the new composition.