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Articles and Presentations  

2019- Furnishing medications for the Older Traveller- Identifying and Assessing Potential Adverse Drug Experiences. Western Pharmacists Education and Californian Pharmacists Association, Los Angeles.

•2019- Pharmacokinetics in the Older Traveller. Conference of International Society of Travel Medicine, Washington DC.

•2019- Faculty of Travel Medicine/Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference- Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis risk assessments and updates.

•2020- Role of the pharmacist as a global health provider- Travel Health Seminar, School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Bath University.

•2020- Safely Maximising the opportunities around vaccination services in community pharmacy- Hospital and Community Pharmacy Training NPG Exhibition, Gulf Co-operation Council and African States, Virtual Training Exhibition.

•2021- Role of the pharmacist as a global health provider during Covid - Travel Health Seminar, School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Bath University.

•2021- Opening and Adopting a Travel Clinic in the Time of Covid-19. Co-presenter at Conference of International Society of Travel Medicine, Virtual.

•2021- Travelling in the new COVID Era Panel discussion of case studies. Co-presenter at Symposium at FTM of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

•2022- Royal College of Nursing and NaTHNaC- Biologics in Travel Health. Presented to national conference.

•2022- International Pharmacy Federation (FIP) webinar – Developing Global Pharmacist Travel Health Services

1.Impact of Pharmacy Based Travel Medicine with the Evolution of Pharmacy Practice in the UK, Pharmacy 2018, 6, 64; DOI:10.3390/pharmacy 6030064

2.Complex post-surgical patient travelling to altitude. Journal of British Global Travel Health Association. 2018. Volume XXIX: 53

3.Female General Mutilation (FGM): delivering advice by a white, non-Muslim male. Journal of British Global Travel Health Association. 2018. XXIX: 18

4.Travel Health Matters. Chapter 2- Malaria considerations. 2019. Published by British Global Travel Health Association as ebook-

5.Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Emporiatrics. Section 7, Pharmacist Perspective- Pharmacists forging ahead in the practice of travel medicine. March 2019.

6.A review of Yellow Fever vaccination provision by mandatory trained community pharmacists to presenting travellers. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association Vol 3, Spring 2019: 22-24

7.Prevention and Emergency Management in COVID-19. Co-author and lead on Severe Disease Section for International Society of Travel Medicine online training course. April 2020

8.Review of Yellow Fever PGD supply and practitioner’s knowledge in community pharmacy. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association Vol 6, Spring 2020: 33-35 doi: http://dx/doi/org/10.21864/jbgtha.2020.153

9.Working with International Organisations to promote Travel Health. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association Vol 7, Autumn 2020.

10.Antimalarial use with new Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOAC)- what is the evidence? TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association, Autumn 2020: https://dx/doi/org/10.21864/jbgtha.2020.161

11.Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service. Co-authored with Chiodini J.H, Taylor F, Geary K, Lang S, Moore J, Ross D.A, Evans D.P, Britton A, Coley D, Anderson J, Rossanese A, Allen S.P. (2020). Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

12.Ayahuasca: A review of the literature for Travel Health Clinicians. Co-authored with Houle S, Carter C, Schlagenhauf-Lawlor P, Evans D. (2021) Poster abstract at virtual Conference of International Society of Travel Medicine, May 2021.

13.Pertussis vaccine: understanding the conflict between countries for travellers. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association. Vol 8, Spring 2021.

14.Chikungunya- reviewing the need for a vaccine. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association. Vol 9, Autumn 2021.

15.Ayahuasca and the traveller: A scoping review of risks and possible benefits.Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Nov-Dec 202; 44: 102206 doi10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102206

16.New technologies and the traveller with diabetes. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association. Vol 10, Winter 2022

17.Review: NOIDS report. TravelWise: Journal of British Global Travel Health Association. Vol 10, Winter 2022. http://dx/doi/org/10.21864/jbgtha.2022.233 


Derek Evans FRPharmS, FRGS, FFTM RCPS(Glasgow), FISTM
Independent Travel Medicine Specialist
Adjunct Clinical Professor in Pharmacy Practice
Doctor of World Sciences (h.c. CCU/USA)

 phone  07703468267

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